Εγώ έτσι απλά
Ο ρόλος ενός ΟΔΗΓΟΥ και φυσικά με την συναργασία τουΤΟΥΡΙΣΤΙΚΟΥ ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟΥ είναι να παρουσιάζει τις ομορφιές μιας περιοχής, μιας πόλης, μιάς χώρας , και να παρέχει στον Ταξιδιώτη κάθε πληροφορία , τα αξιοθέατα και την κολτούρα καθε τόπου. Συνεπείς προς το ρόλο αυτό και την συνεχή έρευνα προτείνουμε !! τόπους ώστε να γίνοντε οι διακοπές ποιο ποιοτικές και ποιο ευχάριστες Στις εκδρομές μας , γινόμαστε μια οικογένεια , μια παρέα , ιδικότερα στις μέρες των εορτών , δεν υπάρχει πιο ομορφότερο να υπάρχει ένα μεγάλο τραπέζι και να διακρίνεις χαμόγελαστά πρόσωπα , καινούργια ατομα, νέες παρέες Με εκτίμηση κ σεβασμό THE DRIVER +30 6977 431320- |
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Παρασκευή 31 Δεκεμβρίου 2010
Αντώνης Ρέμος
Αντώνης Ρέμος - Χαμογέλασε ♫ Antonis Remos - Xamogelase
Πέγκυ Ζήνα
Πέγκυ Ζήνα - Τρέξε ♫ Peggy Zina - Trexe
Πέγκυ Ζήνα - Ματώνω ♫ Peggy Zina - Matono
Πέγκυ Ζήνα - Μονάχα εμένα να ρωτάς ♫ Peggy Zina - Monaxa emena na rotas
Πέγκυ Ζήνα - Διώξε την πίκρα ♫ Peggy Zina - Dioxe tin pikra
Πέγκυ Ζήνα - Εγώ τα σπάω ♫ Peggy Zina - Ego ta spao
Πέγκυ Ζήνα - Μυστικό ♫ Peggy Zina - Mystiko
Γλυκερία - Μέχρι να γίνουμε άγγελοι ♫ Glykeria - Mexri na ginoume aggeloi
Γλυκερία - Φύσα βαρδάρη μου ♫ Glykeria - Fysa vardari mou
Σωκράτης Μάλαμας - Πριγκηπέσσα ♫ Sokratis Malamas - Prigkipessa
Σωκράτης Μάλαμας - Πριγκηπέσσα ♫ Sokratis Malamas - Prigkipessa
Πέμπτη 30 Δεκεμβρίου 2010
Τρίτη 28 Δεκεμβρίου 2010
ΣΤΟ ΜΠΑΝΣΚΟ ΤΟΝ ΙΑΝΟΥΡΑΙΟ ΣΤΙΣ 08-01-2011 για σκι κ ξεκούραση
Με το που φτάνουμε στο ΜΠΑΝΣΚΟ τακτοποίηση στο ξενοδοχείο και ελεύθερος χρόνος,και η μέρα αφιερωμενη για SKI ή για μια βόλτα στην αγορά του ΜΠΑΝΣΚΟ,το βραδάκι σύναντιση στο εστιατόριο για το δείπνο και μετα το βράδι μας ελεύθερο για διασκέδαση , χαλάρωση ,
Πρωινό στο ξενοδοχείο, και στις 14,00 θα αναχωρήσουμε για ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΝΙΚΗ
στα σύνορα του προμαχώνα κάνουμε στάση για καφέ και συνεχίζουμε για ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΝΙΚΗ
-Μεταφορά με υπερυψωμένο λεωφορείο
-Διαμονή στο ξενοδοχείο White Fir 4*
-Πρωινό και δείπνο
Δωρεάν χρήση swimming pool -
Αρχηγός -συνοδός του γραφείου
Ασφάλεια Αστικής Ευθύνης

ΣΑΒΒΑΤΟ 08/01/2011 ME 55€
hotel--White Fir 4*
Στην υπέροχη κοιλάδα Razlog, ένας γραφικός καινούριος τουριστικός προορισμός, το White Fir Ski & Spa Complex, προσφέρει εκπληκτικό κατάλυμα και εγκαταστάσεις ανάμεσα στις χιονισμένες βουνοκορφές.

επωφεληθείτε από την υπηρεσία μεταφοράς με λεωφορείο προς τα λιφτ. Το White Fir κέρδισε το βραβείο Best Development στη Βουλγαρία το 2008,

όπως επίσης και το διάσημο βραβείο Cedia για τα συστήματα πληροφορικής και ψυχαγωγίας που έχουν εγκατασταθεί ως στάνταρ παροχές σε κάθε διαμέρισμα.

Δύο μεγάλα εστιατόρια και κοκτέιλ μπαρ προσφέρουν υπέροχα φαγητά και ποτά και ο ευρύχωρος χώρος lounge προσφέρει τζάκι, το οποίο δημιουργεί μια ευχάριστη και φιλόξενη ατμόσφαιρα.

Επωφεληθείτε από το πολυτελές σπα και κέντρο ευεξίας, τις θερμαινόμενες πισίνες, το γκολφ και τις δυνατότητες για κυνήγι. Απολαύστε τους αρχιτεκτονικά διαμορφωμένους κήπους του συγκροτήματος και

Υπηρεσίες Internet, Συμπεριλαμβάνεται δωρεάν πρόσβαση WiFi Internet , Wi-Fi / Ασύρματο LAN
Πέμπτη 16 Δεκεμβρίου 2010
Αναχώρηση από το γραφείο μας στις 07 .00 , από την Κηφισιά στις 07,30 και από την πλατεία Αριστοτέλους στις 08.00 για Έδεσσα, σύνορα Νίκης , Μοναστήρι. Αφιξη στη γραφική πόλη της Οχρίδας .Τακτοποίηση στο ξενοδοχείο και μεσημεριανό φαγητό . Ελεύθερος χρόνος για ξεκούραση Το βράδυ εορταστικό δείπνο στο ξενοδοχείο με ζωντανή μουσική (διασκέδαση ) Διανυκτέρευση .
Πρωινό και αναχώρηση για το πανέμορφο Βυζαντινό μοναστήρι του Οσίου Ναούμ με τις εκπληκτικές τοιχογραφίες στη νότια πλευρά της λίμνης, κτισμένο το 10ο αιώνα σε μια περιοχή που ήταν ολόκληρη έδρα της Ελληνορθόδοξης Αρχιεπισκοπής. Χρόνος ελεύθερος για καφέ με θέα τη λίμνη και για να ψωνίσετε είδη λαϊκής τέχνης και κοσμήματα φτιαγμένα από λέπια ψαριών. Το μεσημέρι επιστροφή στο ξενοδοχείο για το μεσημεριανό φαγητό . Το απόγευμα θα αναχωρήσουμε για την όμορφη Στρούγκα τουριστικό θέρετρο στη δυτική όχθη της πόλης της Οχρίδας . Χρόνος ελεύθερος για βόλτα και καφέ . Επιστροφή στο ξενοδοχείο . Δείπνο με ζωντανή μουσική .( Διανυκτέρευση)
Πρωινό και ξεκινάμε για να επισκεφθούμε την πόλη της Οχρίδας ,όπου θα δούμε το άγαλμα των αδελφών Κυρίλλου και Μεθοδίου , τις βυζαντινές εκκλησίες της πόλης ,τα παλιά αρχοντικά και τα μικρομάγαζα με τα είδη λαϊκής τέχνης και κεραμικής Στη συνέχεια αναχώρηση για τα σύνορα Νίκης Με ενδιάμεση στάση για φαγητό εξ ιδίων , Aφιξη στην πόλη μας το βράδυ.
- Τη μεταφορά με λεωφορείο του γραφείου μας
- Τη διαμονή στο ξενοδοχείο METROPOL 4*
- Πλήρη Διατροφή { 3 γεύματα ημερησίως }
- Τις περιηγήσεις του προγράμματος
- Αρχηγό – συνοδό του γραφείου
- Τοπικό ξεναγό
- Ασφάλεια Αστικής Ευθύνης
- Εισόδους σε μουσεία και αρχαιολογικούς χωρους.
- Επιπλέον γεύματα, ποτά , φιλοδωρήματα.
- Οτιδήποτε δεν αναφέρεται στο πρόγραμμα ή αναφέρεται ως προαιρετικό .
Ο Αρχηγός έχει το δικαίωμα αλλαγής του προγράμματος
Τετάρτη 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2010
ΣΑΒΒΑΤΟ 18/12/2010
Με το που φτάνουμε στο ΜΠΑΝΣΚΟ τακτοποίηση στο ξενοδοχείο και ελεύθερος χρόνος,και η μέρα αφιερωμενη για SKI ή για μια βόλτα στην αγορά του ΜΠΑΝΣΚΟ,το βραδάκι σύναντιση στο εστιατόριο για το δείπνο και μετα το βράδι μας ελεύθερο για διασκέδαση , χαλάρωση ,
ΚΥΡΙΑΚΗ 19/12/2010
Πρωινό στο ξενοδοχείο, και στις 14,00 θα αναχωρήσουμε για ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΝΙΚΗ
-Μεταφορά με υπερυψωμένο λεωφορείο
-Διαμονή στο ξενοδοχείο MOUNTAIN PARADISE 4*
-Πρωινό και δείπνο
Δωρεάν χρήση swimming pool
Αρχηγός -συνοδός του γραφείου
Ασφάλεια Αστικής Ευθύνης
ΓΙΑ ΤΟ ξενοδοχείο:
Η απόσταση μεταξύ του ξενοδοχείου - ο πρώτος σταθμός του ανελκυστήρα καμπινών, είναι μόνο 270 μ, στο κέντρο της πόλης είναι περίπου 500 μ, και στη στάση λεωφορείου είναι περίπου 1 χλμ.
απόσταση από το τελεφερίκ: 0.4 kmαπόσταση από το κέντρο: 0.5 km
απόσταση από το αεροδρόμιο: 160 km to airport sofia
απόσταση από τη στάση λεωφορείου: 0.6 km
απόσταση από το Σιδηροδρομικό Σταθμό: 0.6 km
απόσταση από: 0.4 km
απόσταση από : 0.4 km
απόσταση από τα εστιατόρια: 0.4 km
απόσταση από τα υπεραγορά:
απόσταση από τα καταστήματα: 0.5 km
εσωτερική πισίνα: ναι, δωρεάν
ξαπλώστρες: όχι
Πετσέτες: όχι
Μεταφορά στα λιφτ (1)δωρεάν
μασάζ: ναι, πληρωμένο, price list
φίτνες: ναι, δωρεάν
σάουνα: ναι, πληρωμένο, price list
ατμόλουτρο: ναι, πληρωμένο, price list
σολάριουμ: ναι, πληρωμένο, price list
τζακούζι: ναι, δωρεάν
θεραπείες spa: ναι, πληρωμένο, price list
υπηρεσίες για παιδιά:
κρεβατάκι μωρού: ναι, δωρεάνπαιδικό κάθισμα: ναι, δωρεάν
παιδική χαρά: ναι, δωρεάν
έργο κινουμένων σχεδίων για παιδιά: ναι, πληρωμένο, 10 euro per hour
παιδική πισίνα: ναι, δωρεάν
Κυριακή 5 Δεκεμβρίου 2010
The Prefecture of Chania is at the westernmost part of the island and occupies an area of nearly 2400 square kilometers. The terrain is mountainous and the vegetation dense with oak, pine and chestnut trees. The steep mountains, home to the famous Gorge of Samaria come down to the sea to form beautiful beaches, like Aghia Roumeli, Sfakia and Sougia. In the north of the Prefecture, protected on three sides by the White Mountains is the large plain of Chania, where olive trees, orange groves and vines grow abundant.
The Prefecture of Chania is at the westernmost part of the island and occupies an area of nearly 2400 square kilometers. The terrain is mountainous and the vegetation dense with oak, pine and chestnut trees. The steep mountains, home to the famous Gorge of Samaria come down to the sea to form beautiful beaches, like Aghia Roumeli, Sfakia and Sougia. In the north of the Prefecture, protected on three sides by the White Mountains is the large plain of Chania, where olive trees, orange groves and vines grow abundant.
From Athens there are regular flights to the airport of Souda, situated 15 km outside Chania. One can get to Hania by urban bus, taxi or the Olympic Airways bus. From Thessalonica, there is a weekly flight to the airport of Souda . There are regular boat schedules from Piraeus to Kastelli Kissamou and the port of Souda, situated 7 km southeast of Chania.
After the collapse of the Minoan palace culture, Chania grew into one of the island's most important cities- well enough know for its citizens to warrant a mention in Homer's Odyssey- and remained so through the classical Greek era. When Rome came in search of conquest the city mounted a stiff resistance prior to its eventual capitulation in 69 BC, after which it flourished once more. In early Christian times, Kydonia was the seat of bishop, and under the protection of Byzantium the city flourished along with the island. As the Byzantine Empire became increasingly embattled, however, so its further outposts, Kydonia (and Crete) included, suffered neglect. When the Venetians finally won it back they acted quickly to strengthen the defences, turning the city, renamed La Canea, into a formidable bulwark in the west. In 1645, after a two-month siege with terrible losses, Chania fell to Turks. It was the first major Cretan stronghold to succumb, becoming the Turkish island capital and seat of the pasha. For the rest, it is a history of struggle: for independence during the nineteenth century, then in resistance against the Germans in World War II. During World War II, Chania suffered severe bombardment, this destruction eventually compounded by a fire, which wiped out almost everything apart from the area around the harbour. In the post-war period, the town was rebuilt and sprawling, traffic-congested suburbs now encircle the ancient core. The arrival of tourism has inspired the will- if not the resources- to save and restore much of the city's crumbling architectural heritage, and Chania is currently enjoying a period of peace and prosperity unrivalled in its modern history.
Sightseeing and monuments
Chania, as any of its residents will tell you, is the spiritual capital of Crete, even if the title is officially bestowed on Heraclion. Chania, the island's second-largest city and former capital, is the site of the Minoan settlement of Kydonia, which archaeologists believe was a palace site and an important town. The lovely Venetian quarter of Chania that surrounds the Old Harbour is one of the island's best attractions. Many old buildings have been restored in recent years, with some of them having been converted into very fine accommodation, while others house chic restaurants, bars and shops. Even though the town itself is beautiful enough to keep a lot of tourists, the best attractions are around it. One of these is the famous and heavily trekked Samaria gorge. Despite the crowds, a trek through this stupendous gorge is an experience to remember. The 18km-long gorge, the longest in Europe, begins just below the Omalos plateau carved out a river. Its width varies from 3m to 150m and its vertical walls reach 500m at the highest point. The gorge has an incredible number of wildflowers and is also home to a large number of endangered species, including the Cretan wild goat, kri-kri. Others include At 1.5 km S of Chania there is Nerospilia, a cave with stalactites and stalagmites, the monasteries of Yiouvernetos and Aghia Triada at 18 km N of Chania and Frangokastello at Sfakia, 73 km SE of Chania.
Cultural events
Each church is devoted to a particular saint and that saint's name day is usually celebrated with a Panagiri (festival), and a religious service. On January 6th, Epiphany is celebrated throughout Crete when the Blessing of the Waters takes place. A cross is thrown into the sea, lakes or rivers and retrieved by swimmers who are then entitled to good luck. The event is particularly spectacular in Chania old harbor. On May 21st, in Chania and Rethymnon they celebrate the anniversary of the battle of Crete.
People and lifestyle
The permanent population - fast expanding into hills and coastal suburbs - always outnumbers the tourists and visitors. It all adds up to a city worth getting to know, where visitors almost certainly stay longer than intended, making use of plentiful accommodation, excellent markets, stores and nightlife, and most other facilities visitors could hope for. The Cretan folk tradition which is marked mainly in weaves, "tsevredes", carpets, blankets etc. and expresses the feel of beauty and artistic mood of the people of Chania. Simple village women, but also organized associations, produce weaves from silk or wool. Handicrafts from glass, wood and metal, along with pottery, woodwork and metalwork workshops. Particular is also the art of producing boots "stivania" at Skridlof road in Chania where the smell of processed leather is dominant. Also Cretan knifes are characteristic with the witty four-lined poems.
Natural Environment
The earth's topology and the climate make the area of Chania a paradise for thousands of plants and animals. The climate is relatively mild, Mediterranean. During the fall and winter months north and northwest winds dominate, while in the summer the ill winds make it enjoyable. But the divine gift of the eternal sunshine allows one to start their vacation from March and end it at the end of October. Chania has the largest amount of water in Crete (65%), and for this there is rich vegetation of plants and fruitful trees (citrus trees, olives, vines etc.) as well as semi-tropical plants. The fantastic beaches of Chania always win the "blue flags" of Europe and are accessible for all ages throughout the year.
Sports and Leisure
Chania prefecture has two outstanding beaches on the west coast, at Elafonisi in the southwest and Phalasarna in the northwest. One of the longest, uninterrupted sandy beaches is at Georgioupolis between Rethymno and Chania. The region offers an unlimited variety of sports and leisure activities, from regular excursions and sightseeing trips to adventurous trekking and mountaineering. The sharply contrasting natural beauty of the area features steep, rugged terrain, deep gorges, vast plateaux, dense oak forests, long sandy beaches and secluded coves. All this, together with clear blue skies and seemingly endless sunshine over 300 days a year, offers unique opportunities for recreation and relaxation. Athletic competitions are held at Chania during the last week of May, as part of the festivities for the anniversary of the "Battle of Crete". The competitions are organized by the Athletic Association of Chania and the Ministry of Athletics.
Nightlife and entertainment
There are all sorts of night clubs at Chania, where people dance to the sounds of the latest hits until the early morning hours . Many places offer a cozy atmosphere, where one can have a drink and listen to live music. A walk at nearby Paleohora can end with drinks at its fashionable bars. Picturesque any time and season of the year, Chania's Venetian port is attracting both visitors and locals for its beauty and variety of entertainment to suit all tastes and demands.
Gastronomy and Shopping
Already from the ancient times of the Minoan civilization, the inhabitants of Crete seem to be aware of the value of food like olive oil, olives, green vegetables, herbs and many other products that are found in the Cretan soil in great abundance. During their history of many centuries Cretans based their diet on those products, a fact evidenced by cooking recipes preserved to this day. The Municipal Market of Hania, a brilliant cross-shaped building completed in 1913, has many local products, such as chestnuts, honey, bread, bananas, "eptazyma" toasts and the famous Cretan drink of "raki" or "tsipouro". There are also shops selling ceramics, leather items, embroideries, woven-fabrics and hand-made jewellery. Top Chanas is a good place to purchase authentic Cretan blankets and woven- fabrics. At "stivanadika", one can find all sorts of leather products, belts, bags and "stivania", the peculiar Cretan boots. The cutlery shops provide a wide variety of genuine Cretan knives, an exquisite souvenir from Crete. Near the market, there are pharmacies, newspapers stores and banks, while the main streets across from the market sport modern stores, banks, car-rental places and the variety of shops usually found in cities.
Conference facilities
The area of Chania, due to its natural beauty and variety of sights attracts many tourists from all over the world. The city also accepts visitors who are interested in economical activities in the area, as well as scientists and educators, who are interested in historical files, historical monuments and museums or are interested to visit the Technical University of Crete, which is an important research center.
In addition to a number of specialised conference centres, there is an enormous variety of facilities at hotels in the main towns and resorts, fully equipped with state-of-the-art sound and lighting installations, simultaneous translation systems and other amenities. Many of the hotels also provide technical and secretarial support, plus a full range of office machines, computer and telecommunications systems.
The Birthplace of European Civilisation
The Prefecture of Herakleion lies between Mt Psiloritis and the Lasithiotika Mountains and it is the largest administrative division of Crete. It has an area of 2,641 square km and a population of approximately 250,000. The northern part of the prefecture includes attractive resorts, very well organised with luxurious hotel complexes and fine sandy beaches, accessible by public transportation. The bustling modern city of Herakleion, the namesake capital of the prefecture and the administrative capital of the entire island, is the offspring from the union of cultures and peoples across three continents and it lies almost in the middle of the north coast on the site of the once small harbour that was the seaport of ancient Knossos.
The Prefecture of Herakleion lies between Mt Psiloritis and the Lasithiotika Mountains and it is the largest administrative division of Crete. It has an area of 2,641 square km and a population of approximately 250,000. The northern part of the prefecture includes attractive resorts, very well organised with luxurious hotel complexes and fine sandy beaches, accessible by public transportation. The bustling modern city of Herakleion, the namesake capital of the prefecture and the administrative capital of the entire island, is the offspring from the union of cultures and peoples across three continents and it lies almost in the middle of the north coast on the site of the once small harbour that was the seaport of ancient Knossos.
The Prefecture has a complete range of transportation services The city of Herakleion is the island's main transport hub with an international airport and the fifth largest harbour in Greece. The airport serves a great number of charter flights from almost anywhere in the world, while daily domestic flights connect Herakleion to Athens, Thessaloniki, Rhodes, Mykonos, Paros and Santorini. National and international ferries depart from the harbour with daily schedules to Piraeus, while in the summer there are frequent ferries to the Cyclades. Cruise liners operating out of Venice link Herakleion to Limassol in Cyprus and Haifa in Israel. Local and regional buses run between the capital and a variety of destinations both within the prefecture and beyond.
The city of Herakleion, historically Candia, takes its name from the ancient Roman port of Heracleum, which likely occupied the same site. Arab Saracens who conquered Crete in 824 AD, destroyed the capital and built a new one at the location of present-day Heakleion, which took the Arabic name Khandaq (Moat), later corrupted to Candia by the Venetians to whom the island was sold in 1204. Most of the extensive system of walls built around the city by the Venetians survives to this day. In 1669, the city was ceded to the Turks after a siege that lasted more than 20 years. During the long Turkish occupation, which ended in 1897, Candia was known as Megalokastro. The Turks allowed the harbour to silt up and caused it to lose its former commercial pre-eminence. The Turkish rule ended in 1898 after the Great Independence War that began in 1821 and ended with the formation of the independent Cretan Republic. Finally, in 1913 the Union with Greece was realised. During the German invasion in 1941, the city suffered heavy damage from bombing. After WWII, it gained considerable commercial prominence, with a new harbour with moles, an airport and many hotels to serve the tourist trade.
Sightseeing and monuments
The Prefecture of Herakleion manages to combine Crete's best highlights. Both the coastal and the inland parts have been inhabited without interruption since prehistoric times, and so the area is the richest in Crete in terms of archaeological sites. At 5km east of capital Herakleion, Knossos is the most important and well known ancient site in Crete, inhabited since Neolithic times and famous for the Palace of Knossos built around 1900 BC. Phaistos, evidently the second most important palace-city of Minoan Crete, is about 65 km of Herakleion, while at 34 km east of the capital is Malia, the 3rd Minoan place found on Crete. Second to size and importance only to the National Archaeological Museum in Athens, Herakleion's outstanding Archaeological Museum is rich in exhibits, including pottery, jewellery, figurines and sarcophagi, as well as the famous frescos from Knossos. The Historical Museum of Herakleion deals with the history and folklore of Crete since about 1000 AD, housing among its collections a painting by El Greco, who was born near Herakleion. The prefecture has a number of magnificent Byzantine monasteries, the most important of which are the 15th c. Vrondissi, the abandoned monastery of Varsamoneri and the Monastery of Kardiotissa, while the countryside is strewn with small and larger churches, picturesque chapels and small temples carved inside rocks.
Cultural events
Every year the city of Herakleion, as well as numerous villages in the prefecture, organise cultural events, exhibitions, and festivals which attract a lot of people, locals and visitors alike. Participation is these events is a perfect opportunity for one to acquire a first hand experience of the jovial aspect of life on Crete. The annual Festival of Herakleion held at the Manos Hadjidakis Theatre and the Nikos Kazantzakis Garden Theatre, offers one of the largest and most varied programmes, including theatrical performances, traditional music and dance events, opera, art exhibitions, lectures and symposia.\
People and lifestyle
Setting aside the natural and historical jewels of Crete, the traveller will certainly agree that its most important asset is its people- the hospitable people of Crete, the true descendants of Xenios Zeus. The people are mainly engaged in agriculture and tourism. On Crete, tradition has found a way of appealing to modern people in forms that best serve their needs both for education and entertainment.
Natural Environment
Gods, goddesses, and heroes were incarnated elements of nature that balanced brilliantly between godhood and the human temper. Here one finds the holy mountain of Ida where each spring the father of gods, Zeus is reborn amidst aromatic herbs and wild plants that diffuse the air with their delicate aroma, particularly during the spring. On the same mountain, on the hills of Youchtas on the slopes of innumerable hill tops and valleys thrives a unique flora and fauna owing to the excellent climatic conditions that prevail all over the region. The prefecture of Iraklio has many breathtaking locations, ideal for nature lovers. Impressive caves such as Kamares in Zaros and villages with sandy beaches such as Kali Limenes present glorious images that nature and time have created. There are also many areas for climbing and hiking, as well as various summer resorts.
Sports and Leisure
Extended good weather and the combination of mountains and sea create ideal conditions for all types of sea and land sports year round. Each year, international athletic events are organised here such as the Vardinogiannian World Marathon Race, the Minoan Cup (Sailing Regatta), the World Jet Ski events and others. There is also an 18-hole golf course with a Golf Academy. Crossing the island lengthways, the European path of long distance-walking E4 starts in the prefecture of Iraklion revealing a unique, ever-changing landscape. Trekking aficionados have the opportunity to experience the undiscovered nature of the region, old village paths, traditional settlements, monasteries and high mountains. Heraklion was an Olympic city during the Athens 2004 Olympic Games and hosted a significant number of games and other related events
Nightlife and entertainment
The cultural heritage of the prefecture of Herakleion combines harmoniously with varied forms of modern entertainment. For those inclined to modern entertainment and clubbing, there are ample opportunities at the many night clubs and music halls in the capital and the surrounding summer resorts. There is no end to the number of bars and discos featuring rock-and-roll and/or Greek popular music, although they come and go from year to year to reflect the latest fads. Visitors are sure to be kept entertained until the early morning hours.
Gastronomy and Shopping
Faithful to the Cretan culinary tradition, the local cuisine is simple, genuine, natural and palatable. Tavernas, restaurants and eateries offer a great variety of local delicacies featuring the Cretan olive oil as their basic ingredient. Wild-growing vegetables, consumed either raw or boiled, rich dairy products, fresh fish and an array of tasteful combinations of vegetables with meat provide for a wholesome, healthy and uniquely tasty diet. A glass of local wine or a shot of home-made "tsikoudia" are inseparable escorts for the superb culinary creations. The market of Herakleion, the richest in Crete and one of the finest in the Mediterranean, is in the centre of the capital city with vendors selling from fresh meat, vegetables, fish and species, as well as leather goods, tourist knick-knacks and beautiful gold jewellery. A great number of shops, high-class jewellers and clothes outlets are lining the central streets of the city. Popular artists are highly productive in such areas as woodcarving, glass- making, weaving, jewellery making, pottery and hand-painted icons. The ingenuity of the finished products, the overall workmanship, is the heritage of the Minoan civilisation.
Conference facilities